Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Interviews

The last few weeks have been eventful in that we finished our training and went through three interviews!

                                   We received our training completion- September 13, 2014

Couples Interview- September 2, 2014
It was a crazy morning because I passed out a few minutes after getting out of the shower.  Since then, all my food allergies have disappeared... praise the Lord, I truly believe it was a miracle!  We decided to forge ahead and drive to Orange County for our couples interview.  We met with our social worker in her office and she proceeded to spend the next 60 minutes asking us questions about how we met, our marriage, how we handle conflict, what were our plans for child care, what do we do for fun, etc.  We took turns answering her.  It is interesting going through that experience because it gives you the opportunity to really think about your spouse, their wonderful qualities, and what they bring to the relationship.  I am so excited and blessed to be able to go on this crazy journey with my best friend!

My Individual Interview- September 2, 2014
My individual interview was right after our couples interview with our social worker.  She asked me about my family, my upbringing, religious beliefs, how I handle stress, how I view discipline, etc.  It was pretty straightforward!

The Jester's Individual Interview- September 8, 2014
The Jester had his interview this past week.  He was very nervous for it, but made it through just fine!  They asked him the same questions.

Next up, Babyproofing our home for our home inspection!!!!  The date is TBD, but should be happening in the next 3 weeks or so.

                                        The babyproofing kit I picked up on EBTKS!!!

This past week, I had the opportunity to attend a foster-adopt support group held at our church.  The speaker was a licensed Family Therapist and it ended up being a meeting where each of the participants discussed their children and how best to help them.  Hearing their VERY intense, VERY real stories were both terrifying and exciting.  It is very apparent that the foster-adopt process breaks you in every possible way and stretches you further than you ever thought possible.  To take a child into your family that has seen hurt and pain way beyond anyone's years, and then love them despite their best intentions and efforts to push you away will be something that only God will be able to support us through.  While I know the journey will seem thankless and unbearable at times, I need to remember that we are called to do this and by keeping anchored in Jesus, all things and transformations will be possible.

During my prayer time, I pray daily for our child(ren) and that they have a great, happy day.  It struck me this week that we are nearing the end of the certification process and that it is highly likely that our child is already alive and existing.  It made the urgency of my prayers that much greater.  I know that they must go through unbearable pain and loss to become part of our family, but I pray that they know and feel the love and protection of Jesus through the process and that He will shelter them from the worst of it.

I have posted a video underneath our prayer requests that gives just a glimpse into the perspective of foster children.  Its heart wrenching, but worth the watch if you have a few minutes!

Prayer Requests:

- That God will bring the right child(ren) into our home in the right time and that we will be open to accepting who God has planned for our family, no matter the amount of needs or severity of the situation.
-That I am content in my work and continue to view it as supportive of our impending big-life change.
- That God continues to create capacity in our hearts and lives for our new family members.
-While we understand conceptually that it may take several months before we receive a placement, I have an urgent feeling to GET THINGS READY RIGHT NOW!  Perhaps its an urging because it is coming faster than we expect, or maybe it is just my excited anticipation talking!